Ballet in 2 acts
Julius Caesar

Libretto, choreography and staging by Aniko Rekhviashvili
In cooperation with:
Embassy of Italy to Ukraine
Italian Institute of Culture in Kiev
General Partner
- Chief Conductor:
- Chief Choreographer:
- Scenographer:
- Stanislav PETROVSKY
- Costume Designer:
- Natalia KUCHERYA
- Conductor:
- Viktor OLIYNYK
- Ballet Coaches:
- Sergii BONDUR
- Maksym CHEPYK
- Concertmasters:
- Directors who lead the performance:
- Oleg TOKAR
Act 1
Scene 1
Roman patricians, senators, legionnaires, matrons and regular people crowd together in the city square to salute the triumphal procession of Gaius Julius Caesar, consul of Roman Republic, great pontifex, dictator and emperor. People praise the divine Caesar. Pompey and Crassus, the most influential and richest Romans, stand with Caesar. Despite the inveterate feud between Pompey and Crassus, Caesar managed to reconcile them and establish the Triumvirate, which acquired the political influence never known before.
Cifridia, Caesar’s inamorata, comes on the parade. She has been entrusted to Caesar for many years believing him to be the love of her life. Caesar is fond of that young red-hair tempter. But he leaves Cifridia having noticed a faultful look of his wife Calpurnia.
Triumphal ascension is in full swing. The Romans praise the majestic Caesar, who possesses Rome, and Calpurnia, his wife, who possesses Caesar.
Scene 2
The courtyard in the palace of Julius Caesar. Being surrounded by Roman women Calpurnia is looking for her husband’s returning. Finally, Caesar appears accompanied by Pompey, Crassus, and warlords.
Suddenly senator Cato enters with his followers. Cato tells Caesar that the new laws he (Caesar) proposed can not be accepted by the Senate. Caesar insists on his decision. Dissatisfied senators leave the palace after stormy disputes.
Caesar remains alone. He is worried about the opposition of the Senate, which grew into an irreconcilable struggle for power.
Calpurnia enters with velvet tread. She tries to console her husband. In her arms Caesar calms down and falls asleep.
An eagle appears above the house. Calpurnia perceives this as an ominous sign, she takes anxiety, she perceives as if the whole palace is destroyed by the wind.
Act II
Scene 1
Night. Noble Romans – Caesar’s companions – come in Caesar’s palace for the feast; Crassus and Pompey, his political allies, are among them. At the feast there is Cifridia who is passionately in love with Caesar. Heteras and dancers are among the honored guests. A fierce dispute between Crassus and Pompey for the leadership comes up with a bang. Everyone wants to surprise Caesar and those present.
Gradually the feast turns into a crazy excitement: the guests seek only bodily pleasures and the biggest thrill of gladiatorial battles.
Scene 2
Square in Rome. The loyal legionnaires who have repeatedly been with Caesar in military campaigns are among the townsmen. One of them – a gray-haired legionary – teaches a boy, who wants to become a legionary, the military wisdom. This causes a smile in the audience. Suddenly the boy sees Caesar. He can not conceal the joy as he is filled with admiration for the hero.
Suddenly a procession of mothers mourning dead sons enters the square. They blame Caesar for their losses and great grief. The gibes of the crowd hurt Calpurnia, who is pregnant. If a son is born, he is destined for the fate of the Roman soldier. Caesar sympathizes with women, but he believes that a sacrifice for Rome is a great honor for the whole family.
Caesar is reported that Crassus, his loyal colleague, has died. Carrying the body of the dead Crassus on the shields legionnaires come in the square. Caesar is crushed by losses; he is looking for support in Pompeiy. However, dissatisfied with the political reforms of Caesar, Pompey breaks an agreement with him and goes to the side of the senators. Caesar is left without support.
Calpurnia understands that Caesar will never deviate from his decisions and beliefs. A faithful wife feels that her husband may get into trouble; and she tries to persuade him not to go to the Senate. But Caesar does not stop. Calpurnia and Caesar gently say goodbye as if they want to remember each other forever.
Scene 3
Caesar and the senators gathered for a meeting. Caesar understands that a plot is being prepared against him, but he is not accustomed to retreat: it is better to accept death, but to remain invincible. With a proudly raised head, he goes around the senators to congratulate them.
The plotters surround Caesar striking him with daggers. Bloodied Caesar drops dead on the floor. But even in agony he thinks about his legendary victories and triumphal campaigns, about loyal legionnaires and eternal Rome.