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Serge Lyfar Kyiv Municipal Academy of Dance presents Choreography Evening.
1 Act: Premier of ‘Lyfar Suit’ 2d and 3d Acts: Serge Lyfar Kyiv Municipal Academy of Dance Summer Performance 2018.
The premiere of the ballet "Lyfar-suite" will be held on Saturday 30 of June at The National Opera House of Ukraine.
The premiere of the one-act ballet is going to be presented by Serge Lyfar's Academy of Dance. As a sign of respect to the prominent master of choreography, Dmytro Kliavin, the director of choreography for this show, a laureate of the international Serge Lyfar's ballet competition and honoured Ukrainian artist, turned to the same original musical source as Serge Lyfar chose seventy five years ago in his cheuf-d'ouvre ballet "Suite in white".
This is the lyrical, sensual whilst also dramatic and powerful music of the little-known ballet "Namuna" by the French composer Eduard Lalo. The modern director, as the legendary patron of Serge Lyfar's Academy, composed his own music based on this creation.
The distinctive choreography of "Lyfar's suite" is created in the aesthetics of Neoclassicism and a traditional "white" women's dance on points. Serge Lyfar is recognised in a few of his hypostases - as a dancer, choreographer, historian and theoretic of choreography, and art collector. But the creators of this performance were most interested in his role as an outstanding teacher. The Master himself, Lyfar, is not present on the stage but his ballet troupe is, which is depicted in the most dramatic moment of its existence, when a new star emerges among them. After all, Sergei Lyfar dedicated his artistic life into the development of stars on the stage.