
Technical departments
Yulia Senyukova
choir master
Yulia Senyukova

Yulia SENYUKOVA, hormeyster.Okonchyla Moskovskuyu konservatoryyu th. PI Tchaikovsky (2001 dyryzhersko-horovoy School), where in 1999 - 2001 biennium. photographs and images choirmaster Chamber Chora control pod B. Tevlyna. Also parallel ÎÍÀ rabotala choirmaster childish musical theater young actor and zatem in 2001 - 2003 biennium. - Choirmaster childish musical theater im. NI Sats.

C October 2003 g Yulia Senyukova rabotaet a new opera theater. Under the leadership of the choir ee theater bыly podhotovlenы: Chetыre duhovnыh J. Church singing. Verdi kontsertnaya program IZ proyzvedenyy M. Teodorakysa, stsenycheskaya cantata "Karmyna Burana" Karl Orff, G. Faure Requiem, "Military Requiem" B. Bryttena, Messi "Hloryya" J. Puccini, Adiemus Karl Jenkins, cantata "Alexander Nevsky" Prokofiev, Poem "treasury Stephen Razyna" Shostakovich; opera "Nabucco" J. Verdi "Lyubovnыy drink" G. Donizetti, "Cinderella" and "The Barber Sevylskyy" J. Rossyny "Tristan and Yzolda" Wagner, "Capriccio" by Richard Strauss, "Child and magic" M . Ravel; opera in concert Follow Up "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky, "Ayda" J. Verdi "Dydona and Yney" G. Pёrsella, "Mermaid" Dvorak "Cloak" J. Puccini's "Perseus and Andromeda" J. Ybera, kontsertnыe Programs chamber Chora "Rozhdestvenskye songs" and "Chёrnoe."

Large place in the activities, took choirmaster Work on the input of Young artists in performances of repertoire.

Participation in theater productions
"Lyubovnыy drink" G. Donizetti - choirmaster
"Cinderella" J. Rossyny - choirmaster
"Nabucco" J. Verdi - Chorus Master
"Sevylskyy Barber" J. Rossyny - choirmaster
"Capriccio" by Richard Strauss - choirmaster
"Chёrnoe" (play chamber Chora) - choirmaster
"Yntymnыy Diary" (Stsenycheskaya fantasy) - choirmaster
"School zhёn" VI Martynova - choirmaster
"Schelkunchyk. Opera "PI Tchaikovsky - choirmaster
"Tristan and Yzolda" Wagner - choirmaster
"Child and magic" Ravel - choirmaster
«DIDO» Wage M. and G. Pёrsella - choirmaster
"Wedding Fyharo» VA Mozart - choirmaster
"Romeo and Dzhuletta" Gounod - choirmaster

G. Mahler. Symfonyya number 2 (CD) - choirmaster