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Ballet in 2 acts
Beginning: 9.03.2025 - 17:00
Completion: 19:10

Libretto by V. Kovtun based on the ballad by T. Shevchenko and the scenario of V. Tchahovets.
Choreography by V. Kovtun.
Music by Kostyantyn Dankevych reworked by O. Baklan.
Premiered on the stage of the Kyiv Opera on June 29, 2003.
- Concertmasters:
- Directors who lead the performance:
- Oleg TOKAR
“I died
In winter by the road,
But in the spring time came alive
With petals
In winter by the road,
But in the spring time came alive
With petals
white as snow.
A flower growing in the downs!”
A flower growing in the downs!”
- Taras Shevchenko
Act 1
A night on Ivana Kupala. The boys and girls celebrate a national holiday - ancient, full of mystery. Among the young people are the lovers Lilea and Stepan, who cannot hide their happiness.
The Prince and his hajduci appear. His gaze stops at Lilea. Fascinated by her beauty, he decides to take the girl to the palace.
An engagement ceremony is held for Lilea and Stepan. The celebration is interrupted by the hajduci, who order Stepan to come to the palace to serve the Prince.
Freedom-loving Stepan does not obey the order and with the blessing of his father flees to the Zaporozhian Sich.
The Prince and his hajduci come to Lilea. But she does not obey either. She runs off to find Stepan.
Exhausted after being chased by the hajduci, the girl falls asleep in the forest. Lilea dreams of being surrounded by mermaids inviting her to dance. She again sees her beloved Stepan. However, the dream melted like a mirage. The girl is surrounded the hajduci. The Prince triumphs, having caught the charming Lilea in his hands.
Act 2
Learning that the Prince took his beloved to the palace, Stepan gathers a band of friends to free Lilea.
In an exquisite park is where a dramatized ball shall be held, which attracts guests of renown. Serf actors play the interlude "The Court of Paris". The Prince plays the role of Paris to be near to Lilea, who acts as Helena.
The interlude ends in a Bacchanalia for the guests, during which a frightened hajduk appears to announce that the palace is surrounded by rebels. The guests are gripped by fear.
Stepan comes in with his band. The Prince shoots at Stepan but Lilea covers him with her body.
Dying, the girl blossoms into a beautiful white flower, called a lily.
- Volodymyr KUTUZOV
- Anastasiia SHEVCHENKO
- Nataliia IAKYMCHUK
- Jan VANA
- Oleksandr SKULKIN