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Lyrical tragedy in 2 acts
Beginning: 14.02.2025 - 17:00
Completion: 19:50
Sung in Italian

A perpetual story of a love triangle and self-sacrifice in the name of love.
Libretto by F. Romani.
- Chief Conductor:
- Production Director:
- Chief Choirmaster:
- Conductor:
- Choirmasters:
- Bogdan PLISH
- Denys KRUTKO
- Viktoria SAVENKO
- Concertmasters:
- Nataliia ROMENSKA
- Kostiantyn FESENKO
- Directors who lead the performance:
- Viktoriia KOVNIR
- Iryna IAROVA
- Prompters:
Act 1
Scene 1
The druids’ sacred forest. A procession appears in the clearing, led by the high priest Oroveso, who reports that his daughter Norma will perform a mysterious rite with the rising of the moon - using sacred mistletoe. Then Irminsul, through Norma’s mouth, will announce the long-awaited revolt against the Romans (solo with a choir “Ite sul colle, o Druidi”, “To the hills, o Druids”).
When the Gauls disperse, the Roman proconsul Pollione appears with his friend Flavio. The proconsul was Norma’s lover, who bore him two sons, and none of the Gauls knew of this. But Pollione no longer loves Norma; he is passionately infatuated with the young priestess Adalgisa.
The moon rises, to the ringing of a sacred shield. Norma appears among the people (the choir “Norma viene”, “Norma is coming out”).
The sacred rite begins. Norma predicts that the days of revenge have not yet arrived, and they must wait. In her prayer - both the hatred of the Romans, and the desire to return the love of Pollione ("Casta diva, che inargenti", "Chaste goddess, awash in silver light"). After the completion of the rite, only Adalgisa is left discomposed, full of spiritual fluctuations. Pollione appears. He begs his beloved to flee with him to Rome, where he is being recalled. Adalgisa, agreeing to the entreaties of Pollione, promises to go with him (duet “Va', crudele, e al dio spietato”, “Go, cruel woman, drink my blood”).
Scene 2
Norma's quarters. Full of conflicting feelings, she looks at her children. Norma suspects Pollione of betrayal: does he intend to return to Rome without her and her sons? At this time, Adalgisa comes to Norma to confess her love for a Roman. Impassioned about her confession, Norma promises to help Adalgisa gain freedom her from her vow of celibacy (duet “Sola, furtiva al tempio”, “Secretly, alone at the temple”), and asks her lover's name. At this time, Pollione enters. Adalgisa points to him. Full of anger, Norma accuses the Roman of betraying her and his sons ("Oh! Di qual sei tu vittima", "Oh! What a victim of deceit you are"). Pollione is trying to get Adalgisa to come with him, but she scornfully repels him.
Act 2
Scene 1
Norma’s children sleep in her room. Norma enters with a dagger. She had decided to kill the children, but her strength leaves her ("Dormono entrambi"; "Both are asleep"). Calling Adalgisa, Norma begs to take her sons with her to the Roman camp when the girl marries Pollione (duet “Deh! Con te, con te li prendi”, “Please, take them with you”). Adalgisa refuses to marry Pollione (duet “Mira, o Norma”, “Look, o Norma”) and wants to persuade him to return to Norma. In Norma's heart, hope awakens.
Scene 2
Gallic warriors gather at the Roman camp. They are awaiting Oroveso’s signal to attack the enemies and Pollione. The High Priest announces to them the will of the Great God. As Norma said, the time for revenge has not yet arrived, the Gauls should disperse home.
Scene 3
Her friend Clotilde comes to Norma in the temple and brings bad news: the young priestess failed to persuade Pollione, who vowed to abduct Adalgisa from the temple. In a fit of anger, Norma strikes the sacred shield three times, summoning the Gauls to rebel against the Romans. Now a sacrifice must be made to Irminsul. At this time, Clotilde reports that the Roman warrior committed sacrilege by entering the temple. This is Pollione. Norma enjoins that he be left alone. She offers the Roman salvation if he gives up Adalgisa. Pollione is unshakable. Norma threatens him with the death of his sons, Adalgisa, and the complete destruction of the Roman army. Driven to despair, she orders a bonfire to be started, on which the priestess who broke her vows is to be burned. In front of all the people, Norma accuses herself (solo with a chorus “Qual cor tradisti”, “The heart you betrayed”), begs forgiveness from Oroveso and entrusts him with her children. Together with Pollione, to whom feelings for Norma returned once more, she resolutely heads into the fire.