
Libretto by Gennaro Antonio Federico
Joint Ukrainian-Italian art project
in collaboration with
Embassy of Italy in Ukraine
Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine
General partner - GOLAW Law Firm
Special partner - TM "NATURAL SOURCE"
Official partner - RAFFAELLO
Official sponsor - PJSCCB "PRAVEX-BANK"
The premiere of the performance on the Kyiv stage took place on October 30, 2016.
- Chief Conductor:
- Production Director:
- Tamara TRUNOVA
- Production Designer:
- Stanislav PETROVSKY
- Italian Language Consultant:
- Rossella NATILI
- Concertmasters:
- Kostiantyn FESENKO
- Directors leading performance:
- Dar’ia IAROVA
Scene one
The house of rich Uberto is filled with clutter and confusion.
The servant Vespone is a slacker, and the maid Serpina is so eager to marry her master that she only thinks of the wedding. Therefore, Uberto has to work hard in the morning to get his breakfast.
But the weak-willed master does not even succeed: Serpina already feels like a mistress and does only what she considers necessary. The girl likes Uberto, but her unbearable behavior is annoying.
Uberto asks Vespone to find him a caring wife.
Clever Serpina quickly reacts to the situation and decides, by all means, to make the master fall in love with her.
Scene two
Serpina uses the entire arsenal of female tricks to achieve her goal. Gathering her things, she tells Uberto that she is going to the groom (who does not really exist). Uberto is confused and lonely.
Serpina, on the other hand, continues her game according to the principle "the more expensive it gets, the more it is apperciated." She persuades Vespone to play the role of her fiancé - a formidable military man who demands a huge dowry for Serpina and threatens to kill Uberto.
The dumb servant is doing an excellent job. The master is discouraged by the fact that the unfortunate girl will get such a ruffian, and in addition, he will have to shell out a lot of money for a dowry.
Ultimately, Uberto decides to marry his pretty maid himself.